三维分子JMVC 4 041122

日期:2013-11-07     浏览:269    下载:54     体积:438K     评论:0    

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Java3D Molecular Visualisation System (JMVS) is an open-source freeware molecular visualisation tool developed in Java using a combination of Java 2, Java SWING and the Java3D API.

Java3D Molecular Visualisation System loads Protein Data Bank (PDB) files and converts the data into a 3D representation of the molecule allowing the user to view the molecule in a variety of display modes such as Balls, Sticks and Ribbons and colour schemes such as CPK Amino, Group and Structure. The user can also interact with the model by rotating, scaling and translating the molecule as well as picking atoms or bonds to view data.

Java3D Molecular Visualisation System 的缩写,使用JAVA技术编写的三维分子查看器,需要安装Java3D,2.1M,后才能执行,此版本使用浏览器执行,也可到原始网站下载Java源程序。

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