
楼主  收藏   举报   帖子创建时间:  2018-01-25 19:33 回复:4 关注量:221



  • mpark 2018-01-26 00:58

    Please label the gel picture.

  • 雪丹5229 2018-03-15 16:51


  • mpark 2018-03-15 23:12

    In sample lane the most fast-running bands could be RNA, the very slow running bands at the top (larger than 16 kb) could be genomic DNA, the signals staggered in the well, junk. The smear, could be from junk or from degraded genomic DNA contaminated in sample preparation.

  • 雪丹5229 2018-03-16 09:44


    In sample lane the most fast-running bands could be RNA, the very slow running bands at the top (larger than 16 kb) could be genomic DNA, the signals staggered in the well, junk. The smear, could be from junk or from degraded genomic DNA contaminated in sample preparation.

    Thanks very much !